
Download and install

On this page you may find downloads for Tensor Cad. From a trial version, manuals to videos. By first reading the manual and making the excercises you will be able to make your own drawings within no time. As soon as you comprehend the principle of Tensor (direction and sequence), you will see notice the power and simplicity of Tensor Cad.

Download Tensor

Try Tensor with this Free download!
Click on the button above to download Tensor Cad. To instaal after downloading (double)click on TensorCAD-eng.msi .

Click here to get your demo-license.
Tensor Manual

After reading the manual or doing the 15 drawing-excercises and watching the accompanied videos you will be able to make your first drawings in Tensor Cad. The video-links you may find here.

A few more pdf files to download:
Pdf file: The manual
Pdf file: Drawings of the 15 exercises
Pdf file: Excercises step-by-step
Pdf file: Explanation of the menu Geometry
Pdf file: Quick-keys in Tensor