Tino Guillaume du Long Industrial Designer
Industial Design
Designer Tino du Long of the eponymous company Industrial Design bureau has been using Tensor now for over 16 years. Tino is active in several disciplines of furniture-design. For example Tino is the market leader in the Benelux for furiniture for nurseries or height-adjustable tables used in factories.
From sketch to technical drawing
Tino: “My method of working is as following: For the first ideas for a new design I put my thoughts on paper as a sketch. When I finish this stage I start making the final technical drawings within Tensor Cad accompanied with all dimensions and all assembly details.
Fairly priced and easy in use
Through the years I got great offers buying 3D-Cad software. For the technical part Tensor Cad however still is the perfect tool. I saved a lot of money not buying expensive 3D CAD software to replace Tensor Cad. Tensor is very comfortable in use. It took me a day to get started with Tensor Cad by reading the accomapnied manual. For the 3D-visualisation I now also use Concepts Unlimited. I find this the perfection combination. ” Visit the website to see nice designs www.tinodulong.nl