Tensor Cad is being used in several areas of technic. This may vary from the metal- and woodcutting industry, engineering to industrial design. Extensive drawings with dimensions, hatching and bill of materials can be realized. All this makes Tensor Cad a perfect tool for every technician.
Measurement tool
Everyday more drawings are supplied in a digital form. Often in a DXF- or IGES-format. Tensor can directly import these formats. You can then verify all dimensions, for example centre of gravity. Ofcourse you will be allowed to make changes to the drawing, add dimensions for example. Or you can make a print to use in your tool-shop. Click here to see how this works.
On the back of a cardboard box
Fast sketches are often made on a piece of paper simply because this is the fastest way “on the back of carboard box”. Using Tensor Cad this won’t be necessary anymore, simply because Tensor Cad is so easy in use. Even for a small reconstruction on your house Tensor can be used to translate your thoughts into a drawing to show the archtect.